Do All Healers Use Reiki?
All healers use life force or Ki, but not all use Reiki. Reiki is a special kind of life force that can only be channeled by someone that has been attuned to it. It is possible that some people are born with Reiki or have gotten it some other way. However, most healers who have not received the Reiki attunement from a Reiki Master ar
e not using Reiki but another kind of life force. People who already do healing work consistently report an increase of at least fifty percent in the strength of their healing energies after taking the Reiki training.
The history of Reiki is a very interesting one. The origin of Reiki has been traced to Tibet. It is believed that the Tibetan monks studied energies and developed a system of sounds and symbols for universal healing energies. But over a period of time the original source was forgotten and with it was lost the healing technique that used energy to heal both the body and the spirit.Around the late 1800s, Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, was the principal of a Christian seminary. During one of his classes, his students asked him to demonstrate and explain the healing method used by Jesus. He was unable to answer their question. This question led to a 10-year long quest to find and learn the skill. He wanted to learn the skill in order to heal people, thus helping them. Dr. Mikao Usui was unable to find the answer to his question in Japan so he traveled to the United States of America and India in search of the skill. After studying the original Buddhist Holy Scriptures in Sanskrit, he found the wisdom of healing. Dr. Usui returned to Japan and visited the different Buddhist Sects trying to find out which of them had knowledge about healing both the body and the spirit at the same time. In the Zen Monastery in Kyoto he was informed that earlier Zen monks could heal the body as well, but now were concentrating on healing only the spirit. Dr. Usui stayed at the monastery and studied Indian Buddhist Sutras written in Sanskrit. Here he discovered the means to contact a higher power that could give him healing powers.Dr. Usui followed the instruction written in the Sutras and went to the Holy Mountain Kori-yama and fasted and meditated according to the directions given, for 21 days. On the last day Dr. Usui underwent a metaphysical experience that empowered him to use the sounds and symbols to heal. Thus he rediscovered this healing technique and called it Reiki. Dr. Usui began working among the beggar community in Kyoto healing them and helping them lead a better life. But he realized that the same people came back again and again as they had not improved their life because they thought begging was easier. Dr. Usui was very upset, but he realized that he had forgotten to teach the beggars gratitude. This helped him understand two important things - healing the Spirit and the responsibility of the recipient in the healing process.
Dr. Usui was given the Spiritual Principles of Reiki by Teachers in Spirit at this time. And in the following days he formulated the Reiki Principles:
Just for today to not worry
Just for today do not anger
Honor your parents, teachers and elders
Earn your living honestly
Show gratitude to everything
Dr. Usui practiced and taught Reiki all over Japan for the rest of his life. He gave Master attunement to sixteen teachers one of whom was Dr. Chujiro Hayashi. Dr Hayashi developed the Usui system of healing. In his clinic in Tokyo he kept detailed records of the treatment given to all his patients. With this information he developed the standard hand positions and the three-degree system and the Reiki initiation procedures. Dr Hayashi passed on the complete teachings of Reiki to his wife and Ms. Hawayo Takata. Ms. Takata was a Japanese Hawaiian and an American citizen. She set up a Reiki clinic in Hawaii, which did extremely well. Ms. Takata trained a number of Reiki Masters in her seventies.There are many forms of Reiki being practiced today. The two important forms are the Usui System of Natural Healing and the Radiance Technique. Reiki has proved to be useful in treating a number of illnesses. Reiki was first introduced to the Western world in the mid-1970s. After this Reiki has spread rapidly through out the world.

Reiki Attunement
The way in which Reiki healing technique is taught is different from the way other healing techniques are taught. The Reiki master transfers the healing technique to the student during the process of attunement. During Reiki attunement, the master opens the crown, heart and palm chakras creating a link between the recipient and the Reiki source or universal life energy. Reiki attunement is an extremely spiritual experience. Attunement energies are channeled into the student through the Reiki master. The energies are guided by God-consciousness and makes adjustment in the process according to the needs of the student. Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who help implement the process also attend the attunement. During attunement many students report having mystical experiences including personal messages, visions, healing and past life experiences. This process also increases psychic sensitivity. Students report that after attunement there is an increase in intuitive awareness and other psychic abilities.After receiving Reiki attunement, the Reiki energy will be with you for the rest of your life. Even as time passes neither will it wear off nor will you lose it. Though one attunement is enough for all the levels of Reiki it has been found that additional attunements for each level is beneficial. Additional attunements refines the Reiki energy one is channeling, there is an increase in the strength of the energy, greater capacity to heal personal problems, increased psychic sensitivity etc. Reiki attunement results in a cleansing process of the body, mind and spirit. Toxins from the body are removed with feeling and thoughts that are no longer used. Thus many Reiki masters ask students to follow a purification process before attunement so that the benefits of attunement are increased and that the attunement energies work better. This process is optional and each student should decide whether they want to follow it or not. Given below are the steps to follow for the purification process:
Stop eating meat three days ahead of attunement. Meat has toxins in the form of pesticides that can cause imbalance in the human body.
If you are a vegetarian or have fasted before, try a water or juice fast on one of these three days.
Stop or reduce the intake of caffeine as it disturbs the nervous and endocrine system. Do not drink caffeine on the day of attunement.
Give up alcohol at least three days ahead of attunement.
Reduce the intake of sweet and do not eat chocolate.
If you smoke, reduce smoking and try not to smoke on the day of attunement.
Meditate for an hour a day for at least a week ahead of attunement. Use a style of meditation you are familiar with or simply spend an hour in silence.
Reduce or stop reading the newspaper, watching TV and listening to the radio.
Take long walks, spend time with nature and do some moderate exercise.
Pay more attention to subtle sensations and feeling within and around. Spend time contemplating on their meaning.
Let go of all anger, fear, jealousy etc. and all negative emotions. Try to be at peace with yourself and create a sacred space inside and outside yourself.
After receiving Reiki attunement you will become a part of the group of people who are trying to heal themselves and others and in the process trying to heal the Earth together. Try to prepare your mind to open up to higher spiritual energies and experiences.
The first degree seminar is a very important and auspicious event in a person’s life wherein he is transformed from an ordinary mortal into a ‘Reiki channel’, ready to take on the world of illness: physical as well as mental. He can, thereafter, treat not only himself but also others through simple laying-on of his hands. The first degree seminar essentially brings about an attunement of the participant’s chakras (energy centers) to Reiki, through an ancient technological process which, though simple and short, is very powerful.
When people come to register for the seminar, they often ask as to whether it is necessary for them to prepare beforehand for the seminar by browsing through a book on Reiki, by performing specific exercises, by resorting to fasting or meditation, by abstaining from intoxicants or sex, and so forth.
A little preparation before undertaking the seminar, though not indispensable, is desirable. Such a preparation creates a platform for the participant, from which he can take a quantum leap (towards the goal of physical and mental well-being) with the help of an attunement.
In the days before the seminar, spare some time for yourself on a regular basis and make it clear to yourself what you expect from your life. Do you desire more love and fulfillment in your relationships? Are you looking for a better job? Do you wish to solve a health-problem? Whatever it may be, the attunement can trigger off a positive development in every matter important to you. It can accelerate the learning and evolutionary processes within you, thereby contributing to a happier and healthier life.
Don’t plan or undertake strenuous activities just prior to or during the seminar. Avoid junk food, non-vegetarian foods and alcohol for at least a week before the scheduled day of the seminar. During that period, perform deep breathing exercise for about five minutes, once or twice a day. Not that attunements will not take effect if you disregard this advice; they will still act equally well. But if your body or your mind is under stress, you will not be able to perceive the subtle changes taking place within you.
On the morning of the seminar-day, take a thorough bath with tepid water. Dress yourself with comfortable, loose-fitting, clean clothes, but avoid all jewellery. Keep back your pagers and cell-phones at home.
The seminar is designed differently by each Reiki master. Although certain components such as the four initiations, the telling of the Reiki story and the instructions for treating the self and others are always the same, everything else is planned in accordance with the personality and interests of the concerned master.
This type of seminar design contributes to keeping the course lively and exciting. Rigid concepts hinder the spontaneity of the seminar leader and that of the participants as well. The seminars held by the same master often vary from each other in their structure. The world is constantly changing; so are we and our interests. Responding to this liveliness very well suits the quality of Reiki which does have an individual effect.
The seminar is conducted at a quiet place, having peaceful, natural surroundings. The relaxed atmosphere of the room befits the auspicious occasion. The air is filled with fragrance of fresh flowers or incense sticks. As participants come in, their ears are greeted by notes of soft, devotional music and their eyes are brightened by burning camphor or candles. These purify the atmosphere and keep the seminar room free from negative energies. The entrants can, indeed, sense the positive vibrations which fill the room.
The course begins in the seminar-hall after all the participants (about ten to twenty) have assembled. The Reiki master introduces himself. Each participant is then asked to introduce himself as regards his name, occupation and the reason for joining the seminar. While a few have come out of simple curiosity, most others have come because they have seen or felt ‘Reiki-miracles’, and they now want to experience the power of Reiki in their own hands. Many participants are spouses or friends of people who have already taken the first degree some time ago. They have seen their near ones change almost overnight following attunement. They have seen them becoming more loving, open-minded and lively. Some people come because they believe that the attunement will be a big step forward on their spiritual path. Many participants confess to having personal difficulties in emotional or physical area; they would like to do something for their health on their own, take personal responsibility and protect themselves from future serious illnesses. Medical doctors, too, enroll for the seminar, having received the tip from a professional colleague. Despite the strong recommendations, they are skeptical : “It just can’t be that easy; there must be a catch somewhere!” They come hoping against hope that the strange business will turn out to be worthwhile.
After the participants have come to know each other, the teacher introduces the concept of Reiki. He gives details of what it is and what it is not; what it can do and what it cannot. He informs that Reiki being an energy interacts with human chakras, which in turn affect the physical body. He gives complete details about chakras as regards their locations and body-parts/system each of them controls. (This information has been tabulated in appendix 2.) He then breaks the gladdening news that the chakras of each participant will be ‘attuned’ so as to render them capable of absorbing Reiki. This is akin to upgrading a T.V. set; previously it could capture signals sent by a few stations but now it can capture signals broadcasted by many stations.
Next comes a brief account of Reiki-history : its origin, its rediscovery by Dr. Mikaomi Usui and its subsequent spread to the nooks and corners of the world.
The participants are, then, given the information, charts and demonstrations about the places (body-parts) where hands are to be placed while treating oneself or others. Details of these basic hand-positions and their sequential order are presented in the next chapter.
The participants are informed that the attunement is to follow shortly, but before that they should start placing their hands for about three minutes on each of the body-parts (in the suggested order) so as to possibly feel a subtle flow of energy through their plams into their bodies. This is the person’s own bio-energy which is quite weak as compared to Reiki which is immensely powerful. Any person who places his plams on a body-part before the attunement and immediately after the attunement is amazed to feel the enormous difference in the energy-flow.
While the participants are busy learning the basic hand-positions, the attunements begin in a separate ‘attunement room’. While most Reiki masters prefer to attune one participant at a time, there are some who invite three to five participants into the room. On an average, it takes about three to five minutes to attune a person.
As discussed earlier, an attunement is at the very core of Reiki therapy. The process of attunement is very precise and can be effected only by a Reiki master who has received an intensive training in the method. It comprises a series of four
‘initiations’ in which the master, using an ancient technology, transmits an amplified energy to the upper four chakras of the participant. This creates an open channel for cosmic energy to flow in through the top of the subject’s head, through his upper chakras and out through his hands for use in future-treatments. During the entire ritual the participant is requested to remain calm and quiet and to keep his eyes closed.
“Why is there such secrecy about it ? Why should I keep my eyes closed ? What are you actually doing to me ?” these are questions commonly asked by the participants and we find them quite understandable. No one can expect that a person would blindly permit to be subjected to a ritual that is likely to change his life. The answer to the above questions is quite simple. An attunement is a once-in-a-lifetime process during which extensive harmonization takes place within the subject’s body. If he keeps his eyes closed and feels within himself, he can consciously participate in this unique event. Instead, if he follows the master’s movements that are obscure for him in any case and constantly ponders on what effect this or that movement is likely to produce, he is least likely to perceive the fantastic changes taking place within him. It is, thus, in his own interests that the participant keeps his eyes closed. Again, the Reiki master can work with a greater peace of mind and concentration if two (or more) curious eyes are not intently gazing at him.
After the completion of attunements, the invigorated participants are requested to move back to the seminar-hall and resume (from where they had left) the laying on of their hands on their own bodies As they do so, they are immediately able to discern the difference in the energy-flow through their hands. Before the attunement, the flow was feeble, almost imperceptible; now, after the attunement, it is undeniably strong. This session of self-treatment continues till I all the basic hand-positions have been covered.
The next session is devoted to treating others. Each participant is assigned a suitable partner and the two agree to exchange Reiki. Each person gives a full-body Reiki therapy to his partner and, in turn, receives the same from him. If time permits, the participants may also carry out a group Reiki session. It is here that a participant begins to feel the differences in energy drawn by different body-parts of an individual and differences in energy drawn by different individuals.
Many teachers suggest that each of the specified body-parts be treated for three minutes. While this is a good idea to begin with, we would suggest that you later follow the powers of your intuition and perception. Continue to treat a body-part till it draws energy. The moment it stops drawing energy, move to the next body-part.
With their bodies invigorated and minds opened up by Reiki, participants are, by now, quite relaxed and cheerful. Even those who are shy/reserved and who usually have closed personalities open up. Everyone feels being a part of one big, loving and lively family. Participants feel they have been friends for years. Indeed, many deep, lasting friendships are actually formed during the first degree seminar.
In the next session, the teacher gives guidelines for practice during the next few weeks (called the cleansing period). He also gives guidelines for treating common ailments using Reiki. He reaffirms the importance of chakras in treatment, reminding the participants of the body-region each chakra controls. The five spiritual principles of Reiki are, then, discussed at length, the teacher emphasizing that the mind and the body are intimately correlated.
At the end is an informal session where participants express their experiences. Each participant tells the class about what he felt while he was being attuned, while he was treating himself or his partner and while he was receiving treatment from his partner. The master clears doubts and answers questions raised by the participants. Finally, he thanks the participants for having attended the seminar and awards them the coveted certificates.
In conclusion, we will say that the first degree seminar is a milestone, in fact a turning point, in a person’s life. The vibratory frequencies of his chakras are raised so that they become ‘tuned’ to that of Reiki. This tuning triggers a never-ending process of physical cleansing and spiritual evolution, literally transforming the person’s life. There are no failed attunements as long as they are carried out by a trained master who performs the steps in a precise manner, making use of powerful symbols. This may sound a bit preposterous to your ears. After all, everyone makes mistakes and a Reiki master cannot be an exception. However, the point to be realized is that it is not the master who really brings about attunement. He only acts as a bridge between the universal life energy and the subject’s bio-energy; the tuning is effected from ‘above’. The things that human beings do may be faulty or transitory. But a bond created by God is not subject to laws of the material world!
The three-week period following attunement is a very important period in the concerned person’s life as unprecedented physical, mental and spiritual changes take place in him. He is literally transformed into a new person : more healthy, more happy and more evolved.
This transformation is the natural outcome of a process of internal cleansing and detoxification that is sparked off by the attunement and which continues unabated as the person regularly channelizes Reiki while treating himself and others. Toxins that have accumulated in the physical as well as the energy-body for years, literally begin to be liberated and washed away by the floods of Reiki that invade the newly opened nadis (channels) within the body.
This process of detoxification can be further facilitated by-
(a) consuming a lot of pure water and fruit-juices,
(b) performing yogic breathing exercises (pranayam),
(c) eating lots of fruits, raw vegetables and sprouts, which provide us with vitamins and fibers, (d) taking thorough, brisk baths at least once everyday,
(e) following simple Naturopathic procedures like steam-bath*, hot foot-bath*, whole body wet-pack*, etc.
While the body is busy eliminating toxins, it would, quite obviously, be undesirable to consume non-vegetarian foods, eggs, tobacco, alcohol and caffeinated beverages.
The process of detoxification may, initially, cause physical symptoms like running nose, diarrhea, excessive sweating/urination, skin eruptions and mild fever. Symptoms of old disease (that had been suppressed by unwise medication) may reappear (albeit in a much milder form). All this time, however, the mind feels more and more better. Negative emotions like fear, anger, worries and apathy gradually disappear, giving place to positive emotions like confidence, peace, love, compassion and reverence for life. The person becomes self-reliant and capable of handling day-to-day problems with a ‘never-before’ ease. Old, bad habits are cast off. Stimulants lose their value in life. Gradually, a life-style develops, which is balanced, inwardly as well as outwardly. Some Reiki therapists have reported an unexpected development of extra-sensory powers (ESP) following regular use of Reiki.
It must have become quite clear to you, dear reader, that to derive the above-mentioned benefits to the maximum possible extent, it is necessary to channelize Reiki as frequently as possible by treating yourself (at least once every day) and others (your dear ones). The more you treat yourself (and others), the faster will your chakras spin, the more potent your nadis (channels) will become and the stronger will be the outward flow of energy through your palms. Then, the beneficial effects of your treatment will become more certain and consistent.
This chapter will give you complete details about Reiki therapy : rules to be remembered, precautions to be taken, body-parts to be worked upon while treating yourself and others. One word of caution : Do not, on your own, bring about any change in your medication. It is true that Reiki therapy brings about profound harmonization within the body and demonstrable physiological changes. Therefore, the doses of medicines you are taking will need suitable modification. However, you should entrust this responsibility to your physician.
The best time for self-treatment is either early morning (as soon as you wake up from sleep) or late evening (when you are about to sleep). If the time necessary to accomplish full-body treatment is not available at a stretch, you can break-up the treatment into two (or more) parts, to be taken up at different times of the day. You might as well treat yourself while watching television, conversing with you family members or travelling.
Before you start treating yourself— ( a ) remove shoes and loosen tight clothes/belts, ( b) wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, ( c ) briskly rub you palms against each other for a few seconds and bring your awareness to your palms. This will sensitise your palms and make you capable of perceiving the subtle energy-flow through your hands, as you sequentially place them on your various body-parts.
You are now ready to treat and invigorate yourself with Reiki. Switch off your door-bell, your pager/cell-phone; take your phone off the hook; request your family-members not to disturb you during the next few minutes. Lie or sit down as per your desire. Completely relax your muscles; let them go limp and slack. Slow down the rate of your breathing. Invoke Reiki, thanking it for accepting you as a channel. The various hand-positions for self-treatment have been depicted on the next few pages.* Lightly place your palms on each of these body-parts for about three minutes. If touching a body-part is impractical due to a boil, a wound or burns, palms may as well be held an inch or two away from the body. It is necessary to hold the palm slightly cupped and the fingers touching each other. Remember : scattered fingers mean scattered energy !
Reiki is quite new to me. I would love to try it out one of these days.
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